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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tomorrow (well today actually) is the first day of school for the teens and tween, can someone say Hallelujah…not that I’m celebrating or anything and in the spirit of back-to-school I thought I’d share a few lunch-packing tips with y’all, courtesy of Dole Fruit Bites…


  • Leverage last night’s leftovers. Add instant rice to leftover chicken or transform leftover steak into a hearty chili
  • Share a smile. Cut sandwiches into different shapes with cookie cutters, or write a note on a napkin
  • Camouflage healthy snacks. Dole Real Fruit Bites are made from real dried fruit, coated with yogurt and sprinkled with toasted whole grain oats – Kids won’t be trading this snack
  • Keep it cool. Think outside the thermos, and try freezing a yogurt cup or a juice box
  • Snack attack. Grab snacks for your desk drawer or purse so you can have a quick bite



1 comment :

  1. If you want to add a lunch note, I've got a solution. Every school morning I post free printable lunch notes on my site Jokes, fun facts, etc. - please take a look.


Can you relate? Well let me know about it!