Recently, I was given the opportunity to host a party for my kids and their friends, a Xia Xia party to be exact and they were ecstatic!
If you’re not familiar with Xia Xia hermit crabs, and if you have kiddos you probably already are, let me introduce you to these cute little creatures!
I have to mention that my children have begged me for years for hermit crabs, real, live ones, but to be honest they kind of gross me out, so my answer has always been NO. Thankfully someone thought to make Xia Xia hermit crabs, now my little ones can play till their hearts content and I don’t have to be grossed out…they’re actually kind of cute!
Lil Man and Lil Diva had their cousin B over a couple of weeks ago to have a Xia Xia Shell Party! Before the party got started I let each of the kiddos pick out the Xia Xia hermit crab that he or she wanted and then I pretty much let them have at it! As you’ll see in the video a little later on, they had a great time hunting for Easter eggs, changing the Xia Xia shells, and playing together like only little ones can!
Each of the kids had a Xia Xia hermit crab of their own and they got to choose a couple Xia Xia Shells that they ended up swapping around several times before the festivities were over! They kids had fun playing some of the games I suggested and even making up some of their own, but they were happiest when they were just playing quietly by themselves with their Xia Xia Hermit Crabs!
If you’re struggling with what to put in their Easter baskets this weekend look no further than Xia Xia, seriously my kids love them and have played with them every day since the party!
Wanna Win a Xia Xia Shell Party Easter basket full of Xia Xia goodies? Check out the giveaway below for more information!
One MIBR reader will win a Xia Xia Shell Party Easter Basket full of Xia Xia goodies including: a Xia-Xia hermit crab character, Helena, the lime green and pink cutie, or Tiwi, the pink and purple wacky crab, additional shell, and delicious candy.
Enter below (and check out the official rules) below using the Rafflecopter widget!
a Rafflecopter giveaway Disclosure: By publishing this post, I was compensated with products for a promotional program with MomSelect. All opinions are my own.
yes i can eat it here
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway!