Remember my Blogger of the Month feature? Well with all of the chaos that March brought around here (wedding planning, school, and vacation planning) I kinda, sorta skipped BOM for March…oops. No worries though I just decided to feature one of my very favorite bloggers and give her the honor of Blogger of the Month for both March and April…problem solved.
My Blogger of the Month for March/April as I mentioned above is one of my favorite bloggers--Lisa of My Life…or Is It? Lisa is an amazing woman who wears many hats…mom, foster mom, wife, and friend among many others. Lisa blogs about the ups and downs of being a foster mom and honestly I could sit and read her blog for hours. Over the past year (wow has it really been that long) I feel like I’ve gotten to know Lisa and her family and I feel honored that I can call Lisa a friend. Lisa is always the first one to congratulate me on a big event in my life and she always leaves the nicest comments that always bring a smile to my face. I would love it if you all stopped by Lisa’s blog and told her hi…you may just realize that you’ve found a great blog that you’ve been missing!
About Lisa and My Life…Or is It?
Name: Lisa Pasquariello
Blog name: My Life...or is it
Blog URL:
Facebook URL:!/profile.php?id=690476208&ref=search&sid=1809485944.689249523..1

Blog Question
1. Describe what My Life…or Is It? is all about
My Life or is it, is all about how my life kinda got turned upside down when I started to do foster care. I have always and still do love children. I did home daycare for years and we were approached several times to do foster care. It changes your life so much that you really feel a huge intrusion, yet it's so worth it. I decided to put my feelings to words. I used to keep a journal (written) but this is so much more satisfying. I also participate in memes and have recently been doing a little product review. All for the good of the family. Family , mommy stuff.
2. When did you start blogging and why did you start blogging?
I started blogging about 3 years ago, but wasn't as dedicated to it as I am now. My favourite part of having a blog has got to be " meeting" so many other moms. Moms who you think you have nothing in common with, yet you do. There are other moms with young children, moms with special needs children, other foster moms out there. I love to read about them and I've gotten so many good ideas for cooking, parenting and learned about different products.
3. What is the best part of blogging/having a blog?
I have had the opportunity to win some pretty cool contests and also be able to review products. I never thought I would be doing stuff like that when I started blogging. I never thought it was such a big deal. I originally started it to just write about my unique life.
4. What are your blogging goals this year?
Honestly I would blog regardless, but I certainly would love more comments and more people to read my blog. SO I'm hoping to reach out to more people. I don't have many Canadian followers and I'd love to get other foster parents interested in my blog. I also am aiming to read more and comment more on other people's blogs because I have learned so much from them. It's like getting a glimpse into other people's lives, if only for a minute.
Color? My favourite colour is purple. It's also my i think I inherited it from
Food? I love Italian food, pizza and lasagna being my favourites.
Movie? My all time favourite movie..(0k this is showing my age) is The Breakfast club. I could so relate to that movie and even now years and years are still labeled
TV Show? MY favourite t.v show..well i have a few. 24, Glee and LOST being the top three. I like to escape into a fantasy land once in awhile, so I am not a huge fan of reality shows.
I have many favourite blogs all for different reasons. I have a list of 6..and believe me , it was really hard to choose.
1. 5 Minutes for Special Needs This blog has so much information and posts that just come straight from the heart. The featured writers are both biological and adoptive moms. In almost every post I have something that I can relate to,
2.All Access Pass to Jack This is fairly a new blog to me. I feel I have connected with Marie . She is a working mom with a precious little boy who just happens to have Apert Syndrome. She is a huge inspiration to me.
3.Misadventures in Baby Raising ..I am not listing this blog just because it's yours. I've been a follower of all your blogs and this is the one that is going strong. What I like most about it is the Cooking With Kids, we've gotten some pretty cool ideas. I also like the reviews you do and who doesn't like a good contest. I also appreciate that you put the truth into your reviews and don't just say what the product people want to hear. I love hearing about your adventures or as you put it
with your beautiful children and I feel I've gotten to know you, so much that I'm excited for you when you shared your news about getting engaged.
4Susie's Homemade Susie is another huge inspiration to me. Not only is she very talented in the desserts and food she cooks, she also is a wonderful experienced gardener. She shares her recipes with us and if I have a question she never hesitates to email me an answer. .I admire her organizational skills and her writing. In addition to all of that she is an amazing mom too.
5.My Life Interrupted...Lori is an amazing person. She reminds me so much of myself. She has raised her children and is now raising her two grandchildren. She has shared with us, her readers the ups and downs of her life and indeed my life like hers is also interrupted. She is going through a rough time right now and although I miss her , I am praying for her and her family.
6Who Says 8 is Enough? (main... Debi is another woman who just amazes me. She has a huge family and manages to love and cherish each and every one of those beautiful kids. She is kind hearted and does charity work. Her fight to help childhood cancer through her Tuesday post is inspiring and heartwarming.
There are so many many more. I love them all for different reasons.
Saying or Motto? Judge lest thee be judged
Just Because I wanna know
If you could have dinner with anyone--alive or dead--who would it be and why?
You know...this question is so complex. I'd rather have dinner with someone alive. Someone who is like me...a blogger who loves kids. Anyone of the moms of the above mentioned blogs would totally make my day if they had dinner with me.
If someone were making a movie of your life who would you want to play you? your husband?
Ha ha...a movie of our Bates..I don't think I'm that old..but i'm chunky..and she's a great hubby.. Al's also too old to play Gino ..but what an actor..and he's Italian too.
If you won the lottery tomorrow how would your life change? how would it stay the same?
Wow..!! If I won the lottery so much would change. For one I would legally adopt Joey and the babies (we currently have custody of the two younger kids) I would purchase a bigger home and have in law apartments for my brother...who helps us a lot and for my mom..because I love her so much. I would get a trained dog to help with Joey and hire professional workers round the clock to help him achieve the best that he can be. He needs constant one on one and I wouldn't be so weary and would have way more time for my other kids. I would buy my oldest a car. And make plans to open up a respite home in memory of my girlfriend's precious daughter Sydney who passed away in Oct.
...It would stay the same because all our family would be together. None of my children would leave...foster or custody. I would still continue to foster the children i have but not take any more. I would still be the same person and would still be married to a wonderful man with all of our unique children. Oh..and I"d lose really that would fall under different, but i could afford a personal trainer and with all the help for Joey i'd have no excuse not to go along with it....ahhh to dream. Thanks Allison <3
If you had only one day to live what would you do?
Only one day left. I would spend every single second of it with each of the people I love. My mom, my husband, my sister Linda, my children, Nick, Alec, Joey, C , Abby and Damien, My girlfriends, Marg and Jen. My brother Pete. I would have them all over and have a huge party to celebrate my life. We'd pour over old photos and listen to our favourite music and just enjoy each and everyone of them.
I encourage all of you to visit Lisa’s blog…and Lisa thank you for being my Blogger of the Month!
Great post! Lisa sounds like a wonderful person and a great mom.
ReplyDeletethanks so much. I am honoured to be blogger of the month. Great post.
What a nice post. And I would have said Kathy Bates for myself as well!