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Monday, December 7, 2009

Remember a couple of weeks ago when I wrote a post about an upcoming review that was going to solve my organizational issues with the kids “stuff”? Well it seems that the FedEx man is my own personal Santa (and I love him for it) because last week he dropped off what can only be described as the answer to my prayers. Alright so maybe I’m being a little dramatic, but in my house anytime I can see my floor through all the toys I consider a minor miracle has taken place.

A few weeks ago I was approached to do a review for I have worked with CSN in the past and enjoyed the experience so I was more than happy to do another review for them. In case you’re not familiar with the CSN line of online stores let me tell you a little about them. CSN is an online retailer with over 200 unique stores to their credit; from baby furniture to office accessories if you need it chances are very good that one of the many CSN stores has it.

I was sent the Little Tikes Giant Toy Chest to review. Aside from this item being a Godsend for all the clutter in my family room, I actually chose it because I thought it would be a great item to review for the holidays and a nice change from all of the toys! One of the things that has been driving me crazy since we moved to our current house is the lack of room for our kids to play. I’m used to having a play room for them to stash all of their toys in and unfortunately there is no play room here. Given the limited amount of space I have to work with I’ve had to get pretty creative with the way I organize, unfortunately that meant my children's toys sitting in a wagon and a not so kid-friendly storage bin. Of course I have looked at toy boxes in the past but truth-be-told they were either too small or way too expensive for me. The thing I like most about the Little Tikes Giant toy chest is that is is HUGE, it’s overall dimensions are: 21.75" H x 23.25" W x 39" D, so it is more than big enough to hold all my kiddos toys and then some. It’s also quite cute, I hope you can see the detail from the pictures, it really is very charming. There is one thing I dislike and that is the fact that the lid is not attached (though many toy chests of this size are similar in that manner) it makes it a bit difficult for my little ones to open by themselves (which could actually be a good thing).

Since seeing is definitely believing I decided to show you my mess before (yes I may actually regret this one) and after so you can see for yourself how much this item has helped me.

My children’s toys before the Little TikesGiant Toy Chest. You can see it’s kind of all stuffed into whatever I could find to accommodate it…even an old diaper box.

My children’s toys inside the Little Tikes Giant Toy Chest. As you can see it is pretty big and can hold a lot of toys.

My little man seems quite pleased with his new toy chest. And as you can see my mess is gone!

Of course carries all kinds of amazing kids furniture, nursery decor, and so much more! So make sure you go check them out!

And don’t forget that you can find this item and so much more in Misadventures in Baby Raising’s Holiday Gift Guide 2009!

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