Remember last month I told you I was planning on featuring a new blogger every month on MIBR? Well the blogger for February is one of my favorite (if not the favorite) bloggers…Alexis aka MOM from Running Away? I’ll Help You Pack! I found Alexis’ blog not long after I started my own and she has been one of my favorite people (blogger or otherwise) ever since! I’m sure many of you know who Alexis is because she’s just such an awesome person with more energy than any hard-working mom of two should have…but if you don’t know her I encourage you to go over to Running Away and visit her…you may find a recipe (or 6) to try or find yourself laughing out loud over her crazy adventures!

The Basics:
Name: Alexis AKA MOM
Blog Name: Running Away? I’ll Help You Pack!
Blog URL:
Twitter ID: @AlexisAKAMOM
Facebook Page:
About the Blog
What is Running Away? I’ll Help You Pack! all about?
It started out as just away to vent and get my crazy world out, you know laugh threw the tears. The more it grew the more friends I met and started being OCD to have to have a new post each day. Then came along the giveaways can you believe it all started with Eden's Fantasy, oh yes mother would be so proud ... LOL. But really it was a fun thing to do and I ended up working with them again and finding more fun items to try out. My family loves (yeah right) being the tester for everything and their pictures being posted everywhere on the web .. :)
When did you start blogging and why did you start blogging?
This is great I started on Myspace with just my friends reading when i read someone was switching over to blogger and thought ok let me give it a try! It was a little over a year ago, I remember getting my first follower that wasn't a IRL friend, I think I may have woke up the neighbors. Same thing every time I get a new follower now :).
I was in a funk after having my second child. I went to the doctor for the quick fix, oh please just give me a drug to make it better .. well you know not a pill can fix everything and she suggested a diary to help write and get my feelings out. So why not start a public diary for all to read .. :)
What is your favorite part of being a blogger?
I really love seeing a new comment and then linking back to them to read their blog. It's so exciting to get comments and love the new people that I haven't met yet! Even better is going to events and actually meeting other mommy bloggers! It's my only adult time out of the house and I'm starved for it .. LOL
What would you say is the best or highest achievement you have reached through your blog? (Were you featured in a publication because of your blog? A blogging trip? Attending a conference?)
I've been grateful to been asked to guest post on some great blogs that I was just overjoyed to do. We also were offered to go to the Great Wolf Lodge twice, I think my husband and kids got even more of a kick out of this than I did, but I was able to meet up with some amazing ladies. Some that I stalk on a regular basis :)
What are your blogging goals for the year?
Year that is funny I barely have enough brain to think of what I want for next week. Oh ok how about a trip to Disney Land ... LOL isn't that what they always say after winning the SuperBowl? :)
All About Alexis
Favorites: color? book? movie? food?
Love Pink, yup so girlie I know! Book Oh man I read so many I love Diane Motts Series A Culinary Mystery (it has recipes, we all know I love to cook), LOL Food oh man how you are my friend when I wish you were my foe. LOL desert anyone?
If you could choose one album or song to be the soundtrack to your life what would it be and why?
Oh man that is tough, I'm a big Beatles Fan it reminds me of my dad raising me as a single dad for many years before he married the woman I call mom. I would have to go with the White Album, but a song would be "Let It Be" My favorite part of that song : And when the night is cloudy, There is still light that shines on me, Shine on until tomorrow, let it be. Just reminds me that all shall pass :).
If you could have dinner with anyone—alive or dead—who would it be and why?
Oh man family member would have to be my grandparents would love to see them both together once more. I would love to sit with Drew Barrymore she has always fascinated me and I would love to learn more about her life and how she has become the strong woman she is now.
If you won the lottery tomorrow what would you change about your life? What would you keep the same?
I would still work, I think to many go crazy and run threw the money. I would pay off my house and do a complete remodel or maybe move to a nicer neighborhood. Of course pay off all bills and put away money in a college fund for the kids. I would so get a tummy tuck ... LOL just not from my former plastic surgery clinic that I worked for :). Rick would so get a fancy car, I would probably just get a nicer SUV :)
If you had one day to live what would you do?
I would have a HUGE party with all my family and close friends. Write letters to my kids for special dates and even do a video for them just so they always know I will be with them and love them.
So that’s the lowdown on my girl Alexis—I hope you’ll all go visit her blog—and when you do tell her Misadventurous Mommy said Hey!
Yeah I'm so excited, thanks so much girlie for offering. You're the sweetest thing ever! You're my fav too! Much love Allie!
ReplyDeleteLove Alexis :) she always has fun posts and yummy food on her blog :) Great feature!
ReplyDeleteI love Alexis! I wish I could meet her IRL someday.