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Monday, January 2, 2012

I don’t like New Year’s resolutions—I just don’t! 

I’m either forever setting completely unrealistic goals that I will never be able to accomplish within a year, or I just make resolutions that I know going in I’ll never keep.  If you’ve been around here for a while then you may remember my New Year’s Unresolutions post from last year; since I still feel the same way about resolutions, but still want to set a few goals (both personally and professionally) for myself for 2012 I decided to do a post dedicated to 5 Things I Want To Accomplish in 2012!


5.  Stop cursing so much!  If you know me then you are probably laughing (really, really hard) right now, because I curse like a sailor (it’s one of my worst habits); I would really like to STOP doing that this year.  It may have been cool (at least we thought so) to drop the F bomb 300 times when I was 18, but at 33—not so much!

4.  Make the Dean’s List!  This one is HUGE for me!  I’ve made the Dean’s List before, but with my blog, kids and, well, life in general getting in the way, I haven’t made school the priority I should have been making it for the past several semesters.  I would really like to change that this year and get back on track and back to the damn near 4.0 I’m used to having!

3.  Make More $!  Though I realize that this may be at the top of a lot of people’s “resolutions” lists, I also know that using it as a goal just makes sense!  I’m proud to say that in 2011 I made more money blogging than I have since I started Misadventures three years ago.  I never imagined when I began blogging that I would I was starting something that I would fall in love with doing (being a blogger is something that I couldn’t imagine not being) AND that I would make money from—it really is the best of both worlds!  That said, making more money in 2012 than last year would totally kick butt (see I’m trying with the curse words)! 

2.  Spend more quality time with my kids!  I know that being a SAHM (or WAHM as I think more accurately describes what I am) I’m with my kids everyday, but sometimes I’m so busy that I don’t get to spend as much fun time with them as I would like!  Taking a little break over the holidays has really made me realize how much fun my kids are and how awesome it is to spend time just hanging out with them—we had all 6 kids here over the Christmas break and trust me when I say that once they get “too old” to hang out with Mom and Dad, there’s no going back!  I intend to spend every single second I can just chillin’ with my kiddos this year!

1.  Finally get turned into!  This one has been needed for TOO long, but once you get a PR 4 (or PR 3 as the case is currently) you get all excited and you don’t dare do anything to lose that, however, I’m tired of Misadventures not really being mine and intend to change that as soon as possible! 

And I think that’s about it!  So, I want to know—are you as resolutions un-friendly as I am?  Why do you (or don’t you) make resolutions?  What are your goals for 2012?    Oh, and if you get a second make sure you check out my NEW blog (it’s my uncensored, I’m-gonna-take-over-the-world-and-there’s-not-a-damn-thing-you-can-do-about-it, yeah, I might be a mom, but I’m a pretty kick ass (sorry I couldn’t resist) mom if I do say so myself blog)! 

1 comment :

  1. Congrats on the official change, and dropping the blogspot! My resolutions this year were very close to yours, and mine have been kind to me. My biggest goal has been to eat healthier and so far I've committed to a solid plan of eating only locally grown produce and dairy. So far so good!


Can you relate? Well let me know about it!